Sunday, January 11, 2009

Together Again

My doc released me from the hospital yesterday and I went home without my babies. That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  Both boys are in NICU and will probably be there for a couple of weeks. Tony thinks less, I think more, so I will just say somewhere in the middle. Brock and Braden are in about the same place with regard to everything. Weight, temp, jaundice, energy and strength.  Brock is doing better at feeding than Braden is and is taking 40 cc every feeding to Braden's taking 15 cc. Braden wasn't tolerating food very well yesterday so they were giving him his fluids via IV. Today, they have added food back in small increments. He seems to be doing well with it.  
My dream came true today and many prayers were answered: I got to hold both of them together. There are no words in the English language to describe how this felt.  It is just not possible to articulate this, so I won't even try.  It was the first time they have touched each other since they were born and they were visibly calmed.  It was such an incredible gift that I will never forget for as long as I live.  Please thank God for this wonderful blessing.


Mom to 2 Angels said...

Congrats on the baby boys! I'll be praying that they get stronger and bigger every day!

Carol M said...
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Holly said...

That must be so amazing to see them together. They are getting stronger every day and they are so loved. Talk to you soon

Lori said...

I'm so sorry for the heartache you must feel not having them right there with you, but I just know it will be soon...I'm so excited you got to hold them both together!! I can't wait until they're home. I don't know if you have it yet, but you might like Jon and Kate's book Multiple Blessings...John got it for me for Christmas and I love it!!!

Always keeping you in prayers!