Monday, October 6, 2008

Two Very Healthy Baby...

We got up extra early this morning and went for our sonogram.  It was a little tough to tell at first because they were being a little shy, so we had to wait until they were ready to cooperate. The sonographer checked them both from head to toe while we waited patiently for them to move into viewing position.  Everything looked absolutely perfect.  All of their measurements were exactly what they should have been for 21 weeks.  Their brains and hearts looked great, kidneys and stomaches functioning as they should be.  And then the sonographer said, "We have a tallywacker!" And then a few minutes later she said, "We have another tallywacker!"  It is 100% positive that we are having two baby boys.  Tony is shocked. I am simply thrilled that they are both so healthy.  And Sydney.  Well, Sydney is voicing her disapproval.  Her initial reaction to the news of her brothers was, "NO! I want sisters!!!" Followed by some crying.  We, of course, had the video camera on hand to record her reaction for posterity.  I am sure someday we will all have a big laugh over it.  We respectfully request your prayers as we think about and learn what it will mean to be the parents of two little boys. We know it will not be the same as having another daughter and appreciate your advice and prayers as we prepare for their arrival in our family.  And if anyone has any ideas for bringing Sydney around, bring em on.  Love to all and many thanks for your continued prayers.


Baby A's First Photo

Baby B's First Photo


Mom to 2 Angels said...

Glad to hear everything looked great. Tw boys will be so much fun. Maybe you could tell her she won't have to share all her pink stuff? She'll get to be the only princess in the house.

Lori said...

Boys!! BOYS!! I LOVE IT!! I still think there is nothing sweeter than a little boy's love for his mommy (ask my husband...still...anyhooo...) and I am so excited for you!!! I couldn't wait to check and see today!!

LOTS of love and prayers!!!

Rachel said...

YEA!!! I am so happy to hear they both look great. You'll find that you will love having both sexes. It just adds a different dynamic. I don't envy you the potty training challenge, but hey, we know they eventually learn, right? Congrats...this is wonderful news!

Monica said...

Wow! You should get your $$$ back on that test you did early on. CONGRATS on the BOYS! Your other girl is obviously still gonna be waiting for you in Kyrgyzstan!

Corinne said...

Congratulations!Its wonderful to hear you and the babies are doing well.I guess it is time to start buying Blue!