Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First Question

Having had a day to ponder the wonderful news of our healthy baby boys, I find myself with more questions than answers.  What do I do with boys?  I was not blessed with a brother, so I am sorely lacking in the boy knowledge department.  Sure, I have a husband, but he is a man. I missed the whole "boy" time.  It may feel like he is a boy at times (i.e. picking up after him, cleaning, etc.) but he is definitely a grown man.  I have an almost three year old little girl. She wears tutus and hair-bows and tights. She plays with dolls and Dora and dishes.  She would have no idea what to do with trucks or trains or pirates.  We go to gymnastics and dance, not football and baseball.  Therefore, I do not know what to do with a boy, much less two of them.  I feel it will not be terribly different for the first year or two, but after that I fear I will be at a loss.  I don't want to encourage them to be rough and tumble, but neither do I want them to be girly boys.  I don't want them to play with guns and Power Rangers, but is it unavoidable?  How far does nature versus nurture go?  I know I don't have to have all the answers today, or even in the next year, but the questions are certainly already here.  If any of you have any thoughts or advice, please feel free to share them with me.  Any words of encouragement are greatly appreciated.  Many more questions to come in the future.


Holly said...

You are such a great and loving mom that you will do what comes natural and it will all be awesome!

Rachel said...

I was just on my friend's blog and she has 3 1/2 year old twin girls. They are different as night and day. I'm not sure what the percentage of nature v nurture is, but every kid has such a unique personality. Just go with what their strengths are (as long as it's within limits)! And little boys are SOOO much fun! REALLY they are!

Lori said...

Oh, you will LOVE boys!! I'm telling you--they love their moms like nobody's business!!

As far as the guns and stuff...my sister-in-law was VERY "My boys won't play with guns" and God bless her social working loving little heart, she did her darnedest to turn my nephews into two sensitive, peaceful, gymboree loving boys.

Yeah....right! Those boys made guns out of ANYTHING they could, are the roughest and tumblingest boys I know, and have thoroughly turned my cherubic little neice into a gun-toting, pirate loving, fart-on-cue machine. Go figure!

Lori said...

PS--please note my 'i' and 'e' got mixed up on the last comment--niece. Niece. Niece. Uggghh...